Want More Freedom? Add More Value.

Teaching young people how to build a career that stands the test of time

As a leader you have the responsibility to mentor the next generation, to guide them not just in the skills of the trade, but in navigating the trajectory of their careers.

The path to gaining freedom and control over one’s time…

  • In the early stages, you have no skills and no friends.
  • It may feel like your schedule and decisions are heavily influenced by others.
  • This is a rite of passage, where the focus is on learning, growing, and contributing value through hard work and dedication.
  • As experience is gained and networks are built, the value of your contribution increases.
  • This is where the shift begins.
  • With every project, every successful delivery you’re building your reputation and gaining more freedom for yourself.

Encourage young professionals to persist through this phase. Teach them that with time, their expertise and performance will grant them more control over their calendar, allowing them to lead with greater influence and impact.

The image below illustrates the concept of adding value and gaining freedom: