How to Nail Your Holiday Party Speech

How to Nail Your Holiday Party Speech

You have a holiday party, and as the leader of your construction company, you have to give a speech.

The problem? You’re not an expert at public speaking.

So, how can you structure a speech, so your people feel encouraged, motivated, and ready to hit 2023 with enthusiasm and focus?

1️. Pick One Theme: 🤔

Choose one thing you want your audience to take away from your speech. Limiting yourself to one central theme increases power and memorability.

2. Use the Power of Three: 🗫

“I came, I saw, I conquered.”

No one knows why, but there’s something about communicating in threes that gives a sense of completeness. Choose three points to support your theme.

3. Spice it with stories: 🌶️

Everyone loves a good (short) story. Hook your message in your audience’s minds by using real-life stories or data points.

🛎️ 3 Bonus Tips: 

🍹Ditch the Dutch Courage: Don’t give your speech after you’ve had 3 or 4 drinks. A clear mind is essential.

⌛ Keep it short: 7-10 minutes at the most.

😴 No death by PowerPoint: If you have a slide deck, use lots of images and little to no text.

Use these tips; even if you’re not a super charismatic public speaker, you will deliver a memorable, encouraging speech.

Thanks for reading!
